SEASON 4: 2015-16

SEASON 4: 2015-16

October 19, 2015
Planet Earth Arts New Play Festival
The Water Plays

Thirst by Jessica Rowe, directed by Ivan Rivas 
Inbetween the Drops by Elayne Heilveil, directed by Julianne Homokay
Passing Over the Falls by Arthur Keng, directed by Tamiyka White
Bright Shining Sea by Julianne Jigour, directed by Lee Sankowich
Cantos Interruptus by Aurelio Locsin, directed by Frieda de Lackner
Out of Our Element by Forrest Hartl, directed by Jim Kleinmann

November 9, 2015

Ms. Gallagher’s First Grade Class’s Presidential Election
by Ron Burch, directed by Jennifer Chang
Most Presidential Employment and Consultation Services
by Carolina Rojas, directed by Jesus Reyes
BSCWOCCCSE by Jessica Rowe, directed by Tamiyka White
P.O.T.U.S. by Mercedes Segesvary, directed by Alejandra Cisneros
Amber’s Outgoing by Mark Sherstinsky, directed by Jim Kleinmann 
The Bribe by J.P. Williams, directed by Lee Sankowich

December 14, 2015

The Golden Star by Megan Breen, directed by Sylvia Blush
From Window 3C by Tiffany Cascio, directed by Ivan Rivas
The Mall is Murder by Laura McGhee, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Psycho by Jessica Rowe, directed by Lee Sankowich 
A Gift by Richard Ruyle, directed by Reena Dutt
Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Thumpity, Thump, Thump by Mercedes Segesvary, directed by Paris McCarthy

January 11, 2016

Tomatoes, Tomahtoes by Vincent Terrell Durham, directed by Ivan Rivas
Life Unresolved by Susan C. Hunter, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Antic Resolutions by Arthur Keng, directed by Tamiyka White
Countdown by Eric Krueger, directed by Reena Dutt
Zoe and the Reaper by Mercedes Segesvary, directed by Peter Kuo
Goodnight Joanne by Nicki Spencer, directed by Frieda de Lackner 

February 8, 2016

X O X O X O X by Vincent Terrell Durham, directed by Paris McCarthy
Emergency Operation by Lauren Gorski, directed by Jim Kleinmann 
The Girl on the Beach by Elayne Heilveil, directed by Frieda de Lackner
Forced Position by Arthur Keng, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Murmurs the Word by Mercedes Segesvary, directed by Tamiyka White
Uruguay by Mark Sherstinsky, directed by Lee Sankowich

March 14, 2016

Tasty Baby by Megan Breen, directed by Alejandra Cisneros
She Has Seen the Wolf by Allie Costa, directed by Jim Kleinmann
A New Happily Ever After by Vincent Terrell Durham, directed by Tamiyka White 
The Nightingale Mixtape by Howard Ho, directed by Jeff Liu
A Fairy Tale Life by Laura McGhee, directed by Deena Selenow
Snow White and the Seven Emotionally-Stunted Adult-Babies by JP Williams, directed by Andy Lowe

– People’s Choice Award winner