SEASON 7: 2018-19
SEASON 7: 2018-19
October 8, 2018
Release by Diana Burbano, directed by Jully Lee
Daniel the Brave by Starina Johnson, directed by Paris McCarthy
The Final Circle by David Meyers, directed by Jim Kleinmann
A Date with Justice by Jessica June Rowe, directed by Frieda de Lackner
Penal Colony #56 by Mark Sherstinsky, directed by Ivan Rivas
The Blindfold by Nicki Spencer, directed by Paris McCarthy
November 12, 2018
The Experts by Amanda Andrei, directed by Jully Lee
The Baby by Elayne Heilveil, directed by Carla Vega
A small breach in protocol at Big Rick’s Rockin’ Skydive Academy by Daniel Hirsch, directed by Paris McCarthy
The Trouble with Intergalactic Travel by Starina Johnson, directed by Ivan Rivas
An Affair of Honor by Nicholas C. Pappas, directed by Jim Kleinmann
The Chapter on Falling by Joe Samaniego, directed by Alejandra Cisneros
December 10, 2018
Not Your White Christmas by Diana Burbano, directed by Nicholas C. Pappas
Three Wishes by Susan C. Hunter, directed by Frieda de Lackner
A Christmas Pickle by Uma Incrocci, directed by Paris McCarthy
Holiday Movie Marathon by Mark V. Jones, directed by Jully Lee
People Will Talk by Scott Mullen, directed by Jim Kleinmann
The Season of Giving by Jessica June Rowe, directed by Ivan Rivas
January 14, 2019
Reality by El Rio by Diana Burbano, directed by Jully Lee
A Different Kind of Prince by Uma Incrocci, directed by Ivan Rivas
The Tale of Baba Yaga Retold by Julianne Jigour, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Bean Addiction in the 21st Century by Starina Johnson, directed by Nicholas C. Pappas
Bippity Bobbity Boomer by Jessica June Rowe, directed by Paris McCarthy
Seamless by Jonathan Wickremasinghe-Kuhn, directed by Rondrell McCormick
February 11, 2019
Topic: TWIST OF FATE (“Musical Theatre Night”)
Literally by Uma Incrocci, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Medication by Scott Mullen, directed by Paris McCarthy
Luftballoon by Nicholas C. Pappas, directed by Kathleen Cecchin
A Twist of the Wrist by Jessica June Rowe, directed by Rondrell McCormick
Little Blue Pill by Mercedes Segesvary, directed by Ivan Rivas
The Mission by Mark Sherstinsky, directed by Frieda de Lackner
March 11, 2019
Topic: BORDERS, ISLANDS & WALLS (“Planet Earth Arts New Play Festival”)
Wolves Change Rivers by Allie Costa, directed by Jully Lee
From Yesterday to Tomorrow Island by Daniel Hirsch, directed by Paris McCarthy
All Washed Up by Susan C. Hunter, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Lost Island by Julianne Jigour, directed by Ivan Rivas
From Ohio With Lunch by Arthur Keng, directed by Frieda de Lackner
Floating by Desirée York, directed by Nicholas C. Pappas
– People’s Choice Award winner