Company in the News Sep-2024

See what PlayGround-LA Writers, Alumni, and Company Members are up to this September!

Michael P. Adams‘s play “Happy Merry” fill be featured in two festivals. The first is currently running at the Alcazar Theatre in Carpinteria, CA, and will close the weekend of September 6. The second is being produced by the organization A Light in Dark Places, whose goal is to open up the discussion around suicide awareness. The festival runs from September 27-October 6. Learn more here.

Allie Costa recently booked & filmed four vastly different films, playing, in turn, an A.I. realtor, a vengeful witch, a seemingly perfect leader, and a compassionate human. She also had a lead role in a reading of a new play. Learn more at Allie’s website and IMDb.

Andrew Joseph Perez continues his non-stop run of recording audiobooks and just got back from Steamy Lit Con! Learn more at Andrew’s website.

Evan Baughfman family-and-school-friendly plays, BOOKWORM’S DILEMMA and THE NOT-SO-HAUNTED-AUDITORIUM, have been published with Heuer Publishing! BOOKWORM’S DILEMMA (originally written for PlayGround Season 11 prompt, “Resolution”) is all about reading and not feeling ashamed for choosing books and genres that make you happy: “Two bookworms (literal worms!) discuss the merits of consuming literary “Classics.’” THE NOT-SO-HAUNTED AUDITORIUM is spooky fun, a piece about theater superstitions—more specifically, ghosts and ghost lights… “A couple of students sneak into their school’s auditorium… and make a shocking discovery while exploring the mostly-empty stage.”

Abel Marquez’s play, My Brother’s Keeper, is being produced by Bethesda Repertory Theatre on October 19th at Stomping Ground LA. Tickets go on sale September 19th. Learn more here.

Steve Harper (a new member of the writers pool) is happy to be developing a new full length play (True Adventures for Men) with The Road Theater Company’s Under Construction group. He’s been busy as a judge for the Conch Shell International Film Festival and acted this summer in the feature film Jacqueline Remembers All This and the short A Matter of Poultry. He also taught a class for the Dramatists Guild Institute. Learn more at Steve’s website.

Suzan Averitt writes for TV and Film with a writing partner. Their latest, Cat Lady, A Psycho-Biddy Horror, won Best Unproduced Script at Los Angeles Motion Picture Festival and was selected for Austin Under the Stars

Jonathan Josephson‘s 10-minute marshmallow comedy “Chubby Bunny” will have its 27th production, produced by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (Centerville, Ohio). He will be leading a 10-minute playwriting workshop with PlayCafe WRITING POWERHOUSE 10-MINUTE PLAYS on Sep 29, 2024, 4:00 PM – registration is open now: And his adaptations of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and “Las Lloronas” continue to be produced by schools across the country. More at

Frieda de Lackner’s film of Scott Mullen‘s play, 172 Push-Ups, will screen at Rock the Shorts in Beverly Hills on Sept 2 and at SIMI Film Fest on September 8. The film stars Playground actors Krystal Mosley, Christina Wren, Jahnavi Alyssa, Jonathan Wray, and Jon Gentry. Gabi Mayorga was part of the production team, doing set decoration. More info here.