The March People’s Choice Award Goes To…..

The people  have spoken… The March People’s Choice Award goes to Nicki Spencer for her short play, The Speck, presented as a staged reading via Zoom live stream on March 8th.  Congratulations, Nicki!

Courtesy of Nicki, we’re pleased to share the first few pages from the award-winning script. Enjoy!


The Speck
by Nicki Spencer

Character list: 

ROSIE – a bright mid 20s young female, who is fearless except when face with her number one social fear 
MARK– a mid 50s male CEO of his own company. Slightly uptight and precise
SPECK – A professional irritation. Maniacal sense of humor. Knows exactly how to push Rosie’s buttons

LIGHTS UP on an impressive, industrial-style office
that’s somehow both chic and comfortable.

Fabric swatches and ripped magazine photos are pinned to a
bulletin board behind an executive desk at C. MARK sits
at the desk reviewing documents and fabrics.

He checks his watch. Shakes his head. ROSIE bursts in,
panting, disheveled.


Mr. Daniels– (Shaking his hand) Rosie Seagal. It’s so nice to finally meet you. I
apologize for running late. I seriously never run late, like ever. Typically, I am 5-10
minutes early for everything. If you hire me, you’ll see. I guarantee this would not
happen again…


I’ll keep that in mind. Please, have a seat.


Thanks. (She sits) I just want to say Mr. Daniels–


Call me Mark–


Mark– I’ve been admiring everything you’ve accomplished at Willow Lane since you
started the company. Half my closet is filled with your clothes.


I appreciate that. I too have admired your work the past couple of years. Your resume is
impressive. Everything you did for Celeste’s company–She speaks very highly of you.


Thank you.


Which means a lot since she generally doesn’t speak highly of anyone.

Mark laughs at his joke, Rosie does too until she notices
Mark’s teeth for the first time and SPECK enters. Speck
stands behind Mark, smirking.


Hello again, Rosie.


(To Speck) Oh, God! No! What are you doing here?!


Anyway, Celeste’s glowing review means a lot, but I have a large number of applicants.


Good, so you do remember me.


(To Speck) Of course I remember you. You ruined my date with Robby!


I wanted to get to know you to see if you’d be the right fit for Willow Lane. (His phone
buzzes.) Oh, sorry, I have to take this. (He answers the phone and talks on it while Speck
and Rosie speak.)


Ah yes, I remember Robby. Well, this time, I chose a different mouth to inhabit. Mark
Hastings, CEO of Willow Lane, the company you’ve been dying to work for since


(To Speck) So you’re here to taunt me during this interview.


I know how much you panic when you come across someone with something stuck in
their teeth. It’s your biggest fear, which makes it really entertaining for me.


(To Speck) No, I do not fear you. You won’t distract me at all. “I’m a fearless, bad ass
woman with the world at my fingertips.”


Your mirror affirmations won’t help you out of this sweetie. Look at me! I’m a big chunk
of food lodged in Mark’s teeth! Right here between the left lateral incisor and the left
cuspid. Green and slimy and impossible to ignore. And this is the interview. Your dream
job is on the line! You won’t be able to focus on Mark’s questions with me hanging
around. It can’t get worse than this!


Join us on April 12th for the Best of PlayGround LA Gala on Zoom! Click here for more info.