PlayGround 2021-22 Season: Thank You!

The 2022-23 season at PlayGround is just around the corner, and before it arrives we want to say thank you to our brilliant community! Audience and crew, playwrights and directors, actors and designers: the gift of your time and energy makes it possible for PlayGround to continue fostering great art and artists. We are grateful to each and every one of you.

Thanks to all of the passionate people of PlayGround, we’ve achieved some major milestones this year:

  • We said a huge thank you, farewell, and good luck to Associate Artistic Director Annie Stuart as she announced her departure from PlayGround after 25 years of service.
  • PlayGround-SF and -LA returned to in-person theatre for the first time since March 2020, and PlayGround-NY launched with 92 writer applicants.
  • In our effort to embrace radical accessibility, we made all of our programming admission-free and streaming online (live and on-demand), sharing content with more than 6,000 households across the globe
  • We raised minimum compensation for all artists, employing hundreds of artists and dozens of directors, playwrights, and designers.
  • And, most importantly, we continued to create space for creation, process, and community for local artists. This year, PlayGround produced/supported:
    • 108 ten-minute plays through the Monday Night Series
    • 72 contributing Monday Night playwrights
    • 16 full-length plays, including Rachel Bublitz’s Funny Like An Abortion
    • 11 solo artists through our in-person Solo Performance Festival
    • 9 theatre companies via the Innovator Incubator program and 2021 Innovators Showcase

We’re also looking forward to many exciting events in our upcoming season. To continue supporting our work, please consider making a season-end gift to the PlayGround-LA Annual Campaign (our fiscal year ends July 31!),  joining us for the One PlayGround Gala this September, and signing up for free tickets to the 2022-23 season, available starting August 1.

In gratitude and community,
