Writers Pool

PlayGround-LA does not accept unsolicited scripts, except as specifically listed below.
2024-25 Submission Guidelines
Applications for the 2024-25 PlayGround-LA Writers Pool are being accepted, now through June 30, 2024. Members of the Writers Pool will submit short scripts for the monthly staged reading series, Monday Night PlayGround, from which are selected the six plays and playwrights for each year’s Best of PlayGround. For specific eligibility requirements and responsibilities, see below.
To be eligible, writers must reside within the five counties of the Greater Los Angeles Area. To apply for a place in the 2024-25 writers pool, playwrights must submit a 10-page max, double-spaced script as a Portable Document Format (.pdf) attachment. Both previously produced and unproduced scripts are eligible. The script must have the playwright’s name, address, email and phone number at the top of the first page and include a detailed cast breakdown, and all pages must be numbered. The script title must be labeled by Lastname_Firstname_Title. Applications must be received by 11:59pm PT on Sunday, June 30, 2024.
Excerpts from longer works are not accepted but short plays that meet the above requirements and are derived from a longer work are accepted. BIPOC, trans/gender-non-conforming & playwrights with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
To view sample script formats, click the link(s) below.
Submission Format #1
Submission Format #2
Announcement & Pool Requirements
The 2024-25 PlayGround-LA Writers Pool will be announced on or before September 1, 2023. There will be a mandatory meeting of the Writers Pool on September 8, 2024 (time to be confirmed). Writers Pool members must commit to submitting for at least four of the six Monday Night PlayGrounds in any season. The submission of a script to Monday Night PlayGround grants PlayGround-LA the exclusive option to stage the play as part of the Monday Night PlayGround and, should it be so selected, as part of the annual Best of PlayGround and the non-exclusive right to publish the script in the “Best of PlayGround” anthology.
For any questions not answered above, email to info@playground-la.org.