The October People’s Choice goes to…..

The people  have spoken … The October People’s Choice Award goes to Daysha Veronica for her short play, THE BEDS WE MAKE, presented as a staged reading on Zoom on March 9.  Congratulations, Daysha!

Courtesy of Ms Veronica. , we’re pleased to share the first few pages from the award-winning script. Enjoy!


The Beds We Make
Daysha Veronica



Jean (late 40s/early 50s, open race) — prissy, competitive, and fighting to maintain dignity in the eyes of the community

Roxanne (16, open race) — sarcastic, witty, and mouthy

Barbara Jean (late 40s/early 50s, open race) — prissy, competitive, and loves to throw shade in an underhanded way


A few months after the 2020 election.

“//” — Overlapping dialogue
“​Some people​” — emphasis
“SOME PEOPLE” — loud emphasis

A stacking of names without dialogue: Represents non-verbal communication. It could be as small as a body shift, or holding a long gaze. Or as big as pacing across the room. It is up to the actor to decide what would be most appropriate for the moment.


A spotlight appears over a beaming well-dressed church woman. This is JEAN. Then A PAIR OF WELL-MANICURED HANDS appears from the darkness to hand her a silver tray full of baked goods.


Well, well, well miss Jeaaaaan! I guess congratulations are in order for ya.


BARBARA JEAN, another well-dressed church woman, appears from the darkness holding the other side of the tray. She has a smile that feels as slick and plastic as American cheese.  Jean returns a smile of stressed discomfort as she tries to take the tray away from Barbara Jean who is still gripping the tray for dear life.



I’m still not quite sure how you did it being a divorcee and now a single mom–


Jean finally wrestles the tray out of her grips.


But I guess God and the good people of the church decided to offer you grace after such troubling circumstances in ya personal life. Me and my husband of the last 15 years, we continue to hold you and little precious Roxanne in our thoughts and prayers after such a scandal.


Jean returns a fake smile.



In fact, how is miss Roxanne? Not to worry ya but… (moves in closer) word on the street is she don’ got a little heavy recently. And I hope you don’t take this personally, but this wouldn’t be a reflection of the type of food choices you’ll be serving us now that you’re the… (struggling to get the words out) head of the coffee hour committee at church, now would it? Because then I’m sure the other wives would agree  that maybe we should hold another vote.


Barbara Jean laughs obnoxiously. (It’s actually insane how such a prissy woman could laugh so… ugly.)



You know to be honest I keep wondering to myself that maybe you won because people saw the Jean partbut missed the Barbara? I mean with elections these days you can’t trust anything!


Barbara Jean looks at her phone.



Well, anyhoo, I best get going. It’s date night tonight with me and the hubs! I’ll catch you later



Barbara Jean exits as Jean waves. Once Barbara Jean is gone, the spotlight lifts and we are in Jean’s kitchen. She is pacing back and forth in a fury while holding the tray. Her daughter, Roxanne, sits at the kitchen table trying to listen. But is also very distracted by her cellphone.



Ooo! I swear to you Roxanne… The absolute nerve on that hussy!



A hussy you say? (sarcastic) In front of the Lord?


Jean stops, looks up towards the sky and makes a cross. She then goes back to pacing.



I know, I know. Please forgive me Lord but… You heard her! Just waving her perfect life and her perfect marriage in my face! I swear I don’t know how her husband puts up with her… Oh! I know. They don’t just call her BJ for Barbara Jean. Knee caps as bruised as hers can’t just be from getting down for the Lord.



Jeeze, mom. So slut-shamey. I mean she is married. So I’d expect that if she’s not on her knees for (pointing up) Him it would definitely be for her husband.



(not listening)

I swear you should have seen her, Roxanne. Sitting all high and mighty on her mountain of judgement– questioning how I could have won head of the coffee hour committee… Calling you fat–



Hold up, this bitch called me fat?



Roxanne, that mouth!



You just called her a hussy!


Join us on November 9th for the next Monday Night PlayGround on Zoom! Click here for more info.